



Personlig träning




Barn- och ungdomsträning




General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Information about our members is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you as a member want to know which information we have in our system concerning you, you have the right to get this information. Our members may request correction of incorrect information. Our members have the right to turn to Gerdahallen’s customer service and request that information relating to them should be deleted unless the information is necessary in order to complete agreements or other statutory commitments. If violations of our rules are committed, the member may be permanently blocked, which may result in that Gerdahallen saves necessary information.

Information about our members is not disclosed to third parties unless it is necessary as a result of statutory duty or for providing services to the member such as, for example, printing and distribution of marketing materials.
Gerdahallen reserves the right to change the terms and conditions and the members will be informed accordingly.

Children under the age of 16 need the parents’ consent to be registered as members.

You can directly or indirectly provide us with information about yourself in a variety of ways, e.g. when you sign up for a membership, when you choose to shop in our cafe or shop, when you contact us, when using our app or web, or any other of Gerdahallen’s services where you provide personal information.

This may be:
• Personal and contact information – name, date of birth, social security number, Invoice and delivery address, E-mail address, Cell phone number, etc.
• Payment Information – billing Information, bank account number, etc.
• Information about goods / services – details about the goods / services you have purchased.
• Historical information – your purchase and your payment history.
• Information about how to interact with Gerdahallen – how to use our services, how you left the service or any automatic mailings from Gerdahallen.
• Device information – e.g. IP address, and digital footprints as you visit our webpage.
• Photography taken when signing up as a member

The information you provide, as well as information about the goods/services is generally necessary to enter into a contractual relationship with us, while the other information we collect generally is necessary for other purposes.

If you have questions about GDPR please contact:

If you as a member want to know which information we have in our system concerning you please fill in the form begaran av registerutdrag and send it to or hand it in to our customer service.

Read our privacy policy here! (In Swedish)